Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Facebook Alias

Who Am I?  Sometimes when I log onto Facebook I get mixed up with which account I am using...OOPS.
On my phone I am who I am, but my IPAD I have an Alias. I am Meghan Savings, because...well I like to save.  I have friends that have added Savings to their name or Coupons it is really up to you. 
Creating a Facebook account for money things is a great idea, it saves your regular account from many notifications to weed through. 
Examples of my other account are:
I have joined the Facebook groups of all the products I enjoy.  Doing this allows you to get a notification of coupons or contests.  Example:  Purex, advil and some of my favourite shampoos.
I sell a lot of things online.  Through this account I have joined all of the FB buy and sell groups and have all the messages come through to here. 
I follow Dave Ramsey, Rachel Cruze and Chris Hogan's Facebook pages on this account.  I use this account to subscribe and follow the money articles I enjoy. 

If you are thinking about diving into saving money, creating a new Facebook Account may work for you.  I enjoy that my personal account only gets notifications about the updates in my friend's lives:)

Join Guess Who's Cheap on Facebook.  Sometimes you may even see Meghan Savings or Meghan Donat posting:)

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Brush Your Teeth!

I get my toothpaste for free through coupons or from the dentist. However, I still don't want to burn through my stockpile of it, or throw it away when it isn't empty.  We cut up the side of this tube and stick our toothbrush inside and brush our teeth with what is scraped on.  This gives us almost an extra week from a tube!
Join Guess Who's Cheap on Facebook and Share

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Packed Lunch....part 2

It is the night before school starts, and Facebook is full of posts about the dreaded packed lunch.  I popped a batch of popcorn to be a snack for tomorrow.  The kids will have their snack in a ziplock bag (reused of course) and mine is in a yogurt container.  We eat a lot of yogurt and recently I started to collect the containers to reuse.  I won't send these with my kids, but when we go on outings as a family they are great.  Friday I was out with friends when they pulled a Folgers container out of their bag filled with goldfish crackers.  My first reaction was shock that my buddy was thinking Cheap like me, then I felt proud, and then I thought man, that's going on my blog!  Sadly, the picture came out dark. The point is, be creative with the snacks you pack, and the packaging.  Kids aren't the only ones that should be eating a packed lunch. 

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Lunch Box Repurposed

There was a phase in my children's lives when everything was about the Disney Princesses.  This ship has sailed, and of course the remains of the Princesses are everywhere in our home.  I was preparing today for back to school and came across a few Thermos Jars that I was positive the kids wouldn't use even though they were in great shape.  I had nothing to lose, so I decided to take an SOS Pad to scrub off the picture.  It worked perfectly! Now I have a few Thermos Jars for each kid's lunch box that are plain and were essentially FREE!!! I am so happy this worked, however, I am now kicking my butt for not trying this sooner and buying them and the water bottles I have seen at Yard Sales all summer. I hope this helps some of you with the back to school lunch boxes. 

Organizing for supper

Our deep freezer was bursting at the seams, a great problem to have, but it can be a challenge. I was soon going to count getting ingredient...