Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Make or Save $5

Saving money can be looked at as a chore or as a game. Once I started to look at saving money as a game that I can win, I started to see an increase in how much I saved and used for debt.  
I play a little game called Make or Save $5 a Day, and for 2019 I am going to keep score. 

I plan to use my day planner to keep score. If I sell something online I will mark it with a $ sign and how much I made.  I also dream of a side hustle for this year and will record that info with a $ also.

If I save money I plan to use a ☑️ and the amount saved.  Pink sticker items, coupons and loyalty points is what I plan to use to keep score.   Flyer items sale price vs regular price is too much  effort for me in this category.  I will update monthly the progress I am making.   

I know that if I formally challenge myself I will see progress.

Anyone want to play? 

It pays to be frugal.

Organizing for supper

Our deep freezer was bursting at the seams, a great problem to have, but it can be a challenge. I was soon going to count getting ingredient...