You have heard me mention a stockpile a few times. I have a stockpile for food items, and one for toiletries. The easiest one that I found to gather up for a minimal cost is the toiletries stockpile. An added bonus, toiletries don't expire, and can be gathered in large amounts.
Toilet paper coupons are available frequently. Super Store has a coupon board, and coupons are often found there. and the Walmart magazine also often has coupons for toilet paper. I am not brand loyal to toilet paper. Coupons can also be used when items are on sale. My stock up price for toilet paper is under 30 cents per double roll. I keep a shelf in the pantry full of rolls, and always have some packages in the basement.
Tissue is another item that often goes on sale. 50 cents and under is a great stock up price for tissue. A little known secret, often the Royale Tissue goes on sale a 6 pack 3.99 and there are often coupons for this brand. Watch for the sales, and stock up! Last year, I had coupons for $2 off a 6 pack of tissues. This is a coupon that I have seen a few times a year. I bought 3 cases, and feel pretty sure we have a few years of this on hand. It seems excessive, but we have 5 boxes open in our house at any given time. Running out of this item and buying at regular price is at least $1 a box.
Shaving Cream was free last year! There was a coupon on the board at Superstore for $2 off and it was onsale inside for 1.99, I just paid the taxes! It's a good idea when looking at the board to walk through the store and see if the item is on sale, and then go back and get more! There are often coupons for $1 off at SS and Shoppers Drug Mart. Using conditioner to shave legs is also a great frugal tip!
Body Wash coupons are found in P and G inserts for Gillette and other inserts for other brands, Irish Spring and Dove are common coupons. With sales and coupons 50 cents is a stock up price. Body Wash is often on Check Out 51 for Cash Back.
Pads and tampons coupons are often available at Shoppers Drug Mart right in front of the product. Often these can be scored for 50 cents!
Shampoo and Conditioner are everywhere! Look for these and match up with sales. Almost weekly, there are Check Out 51 offers for shampoo and conditioner. Matching up with sales and coupons, my shampoo and conditioner is $1 and under stock up price. These cash back offers often run out the first day, so claim it fast!
Body Lotion is often very cheap after Christmas. Look for the Value Boxes that have lotions and marked down to half price after Christmas. Then I take them out of the boxes and stock up! Also I have scored with the pink stickers at grocery stores when lotions are changing their packaging. I find grocery stores the cheapest place for my body lotion.
When I am building up my toiletries stockpile I try to buy my items at Shoppers Drug Mart for Optimum points, No Frills for PC Points, or Sobeys for Air Miles. I try to hold on to coupons to match up with the flyers and earn points at the same time. Start small, you've got this, Happy Savings!
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