Sunday, January 29, 2017


My family is on a plan to be Mortgage Free by June 2018.  This has us on a budget, and being extremely frugal. The best part of a budget, is that there is money for fun, it just has to be planned.  Our favorite restaurant Cafe Chianti in Halifax offers a Groupon on twice a year for an appie for 2, 2 main meals, and 2 desserts for $65.  I am all over this, for a night out after Valentine's Day. 
Subscribe to Groupon Emails for your area.  When you register you get a code to use for money off of your first purchase (sadly, not applicable for this deal) and also you receive discount codes from time to time.
Groupon is already a great deal, but there is MORE!!!!!
When you receive your code, and email offer that you like, log in to  and search Groupon.
Now you will receive AIRMILES and the amazing deal.
Happy Date Night :)

Organizing for supper

Our deep freezer was bursting at the seams, a great problem to have, but it can be a challenge. I was soon going to count getting ingredient...