Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Flyers Night

Flyers Night and I don't mean a hockey game!
Flyer Time! Tuesday evening there is a little red plastic bag on my doorstep that excites me.  I love the flyers! The people that deliver the flyers know I love flyers, they beep the horn when they drop off the flyers. I make a mug of green tea and get ready for 20 minutes of home budget work. 
When I first started to watch my prices, I would write down when I got home from the store how much I paid for an item, and record the size of the item.  I would then figure out cost per unit…how much the item costs per ml, L, g and kg.  It gets a bit tricky as some items are priced per pound, be aware.  I am not the math person, and my husband gets calls from me time to time at the store asking him to figure this out fast! It can get over whelming at the store to do this when you are in the moment. 

** Look closely on the shelf on the item tag with the price, the cost per unit is there. I have always thought it was on regular price, but my friend that owns a store told me it is often done on sale items too! When I started getting hard core about pricing, it must not have been included on sale items, and I started the habit. I now will stop!  Just be conscious about cost per unit, you will save! 

I first sort the flyers by the grocery stores that I prefer.  No Frills in my town is my favorite grocery store and I start there. The owner is present, and is very helpful.  There is also the PC Plus program, and they Price Match.
I have small note paper that fits inside my coupon folder.   I make my own notepads. I write the store name as a heading, write the price of the item, and the name of the item.  If I have a coupon for the item I circle the item on my list. 

Organizing for supper

Our deep freezer was bursting at the seams, a great problem to have, but it can be a challenge. I was soon going to count getting ingredient...