Oh I’m a planner. To the point those that know me well know I have vacations planned for at least two years in advance. While many don’t want to plan this far ahead, it helps me be able to travel without debt when it is in the budget. There are times we are spontaneous but not often!
Our trips to Disney are always planned at least two years in advance. I know that they cost roughly 5,000 so we need to save $210 a month in our trip budget.
We also budget and plan our other vacations. We do a google search for flights and hotels in the area and divide it by how many months until the trip. We add $100 for each day we are away for food to get a close estimate on the price.
We have a bank account to deposit our vacation funds. Monthly we deposit all of our change, money from selling things we no longer use, Cash Back Apps Cheques, money from cashing out loyalty points,SCOP money and coupon money.
Traveling is fun but doing it on a budget and planning also makes it stress free
It pays to be frugal.