Friday, March 25, 2016

Selling things online

My house is FULL of stuff we don't need.  Recently my youngest daughter outgrew her clothing size.  I went through all of her clothes and threw them in the box. 
We often go through rooms and use the same strategy, things we don't need get thrown in a box. 
Then I take things out of the box and take pictures of it with my Ipad.  These aren't always the best pictures, but I find uploading a picture online much easier from my Ipad.  If an item is a name brand and excellent condition I sell it as an individual item. When I have a few similar items that are not a brand name I sell them together. 
In my local area there are many Facebook Buy and Sell groups. I think this is the way it is in most areas now. 
I find items sell much faster on the Facebook groups then on Kijiji, perhaps because people get notifications. 
I list the item description and price and wait.  I usually have many ads online to sell at any given time. To help organize it better for me, once an item is posted on Facebook for sale I put it in a Rubbermaid Container. One is kid items, and one is household items. 
In a few days, if an item doesn't sell on Facebook I put the item on Kijiji if it is an item over $10.  Selling here I find there isn't as much traffic. Perhaps this is because most of the items I sell are kid items, which are very active on Facebook.
Items on Facebook if I am not flexible on the price I write available under my picture to bump it up, or write my price that I will sell the item for, which also bumps the item up the Facebook page.
Items that I think would sell under $2 I put in boxes to save to sell in a Yard Sale.  Every summer I usually have a yardsale which usually brings in around $100.  I also bring out the items that are in the Rubbermaid containers, and start fresh.
 A few times a year I make an album on Facebook of all the items and just write pm if you are interested to see if any of my friends are interested in the items.
Before a yard sale I have passed on some kid clothes to friends.
After I have a Yard Sale, I take all unsold items to Value Village.  Value Village gives stamps to use for percentage off while shopping. 
Selling online is a lot of effort. I find it worth it, every little bit helps towards the final goal. I don't find adult clothes sell often, but a lot of my items aren't brands this may be why. In two years we made enough to pay for a trip to Disney World using this method.  Just this week, I sold my favorite purse, a Michael Kors one year old bag. I am trying to purge the things that we don't need to help reach the goal. 

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