Friday, May 6, 2016

Cereal Coupons

Tonight I am going to share with you a great secret place where I find awesome coupons.... Cereal Boxes!
While I was flipping through the flyers the other day ( scouring, I really go over them with a magnifying glass) I noticed an ok price on family size cereal, $4.47 a large box.  I then noticed that there was a $5  sign and a picture of a gas nozzle and I got excited.  Again this year, for the 3rd summer in a row, Rice Krispies, Corn Puffs, Fruit Loops and Frosted Flakes have this special logo.  When you purchase TWO boxes, there are special bins inside that you send BOTH away and in 6-8 weeks you receive a 5$ pre paid Visa card to use at any gas station.  You are allowed 5 per house.  Then, use them at Shell or Irving and earn Air Miles!!  Win Win.
I paid $8.94 and will get a $5 gas station card all for $3.94 out of pocket for two family size boxes of Rice Krispies.
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Organizing for supper

Our deep freezer was bursting at the seams, a great problem to have, but it can be a challenge. I was soon going to count getting ingredient...