Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Facebook Alias

Who Am I?  Sometimes when I log onto Facebook I get mixed up with which account I am using...OOPS.
On my phone I am who I am, but my IPAD I have an Alias. I am Meghan Savings, because...well I like to save.  I have friends that have added Savings to their name or Coupons it is really up to you. 
Creating a Facebook account for money things is a great idea, it saves your regular account from many notifications to weed through. 
Examples of my other account are:
I have joined the Facebook groups of all the products I enjoy.  Doing this allows you to get a notification of coupons or contests.  Example:  Purex, advil and some of my favourite shampoos.
I sell a lot of things online.  Through this account I have joined all of the FB buy and sell groups and have all the messages come through to here. 
I follow Dave Ramsey, Rachel Cruze and Chris Hogan's Facebook pages on this account.  I use this account to subscribe and follow the money articles I enjoy. 

If you are thinking about diving into saving money, creating a new Facebook Account may work for you.  I enjoy that my personal account only gets notifications about the updates in my friend's lives:)

Join Guess Who's Cheap on Facebook.  Sometimes you may even see Meghan Savings or Meghan Donat posting:)

Organizing for supper

Our deep freezer was bursting at the seams, a great problem to have, but it can be a challenge. I was soon going to count getting ingredient...