Friday, December 29, 2017

A few Apps to Save you money

Yesterday we talked about Cash Back Apps with Caddle.  Thank you to all of those that signed up from me.   In case you missed it

Another great place I get deals is from Groupon.  If you haven't joined up from Groupon yet, here is my referral code
This time of year until the end of February is when I find the best Groupon deals. 

I love Groupon. Before I make a purchase for a restaurant, activity or hotel I search Groupon first. The best part of a budget, is that there is money for fun, it just has to be planned. 
Our favorite restaurant in Halifax offers a Groupon twice a year for an incredible discount.  I am all over this, for a night out after Valentine's Day.
Subscribe to Groupon emails for your area.  When you register you get a code to use for money off of your first purchase (sadly, not applicable for all deals) and also you receive discount codes from time to time.  I have registered for Groupon on more than one email to receive the discount.
Groupon is already a great deal, but there is MORE!!!!!
When you receive your code, and email offer that you like, log in to  and search Groupon or (Ebates link is at the bottom) This will help you collect air miles on your purchase. Now you will receive AIRMILES or cash back and the amazing deal.
In the Spring I was searching out a hotel room for Niagara Falls.  I found a hotel that I liked and a price I was comfortable paying.   Just before I clicked to buy I logged in New York as my home city by accident.   The same offer for the hotel I was just about to purchase was much cheaper in American dollars.   I bought it, even with paying the exchange rate I saved $120 Canadian from my original price I was willing to pay!  My air miles were also awarded.

Meghan Savings thought you would be interested in checking out!
Check out! It's a great website that actually pays you Cash Back every time you shop online and it's free to join! works with over 750 stores that ship to Canada including,, eBay, Sears, Old Navy, Forever21 and Groupon.
Why wait? Click here to sign up today:

Checkout 51- There is a Cash Back App that I use weekly, CheckOut 51.  You can download the app on your phone.   You can have more than one account per household, which helps for the really good deals! There are limits on how many offers you can claim. Multiple accounts allow you to claim multiple times. If you are claiming on multiple accounts you need to purchase your items on separate transactions.
The concept is simple.  Once a week (Thursday morning) you will get an update of new fresh offers. Scroll it and make notes of the offers. Check and try to match coupons to the offers. There are offers for things from toiletries to produce, to cleaning supplies.  The best part of it is, they send you a cheque once you have hit a credit of $20.  Now, some people like to save it and cash out when the number is high, and a certain time of year.  I am a natural born pessimist, always believing when things are too good to be true, they may not be real or last.  THIS IS REAL, but cash out every $20 credit. They mail you a cheque and deposit into your bank account, and voila, that simple.
Some offers are really good, and I upload the receipt when I get to the car as offers are limited in quantity.
At the bottom of the App you will see a green camera and it says Upload Receipt.  Click.
From there step by step directions help you to line up the camera to your receipt and claim your offers.
This is a great app for those that don't like to use coupons, or as a way to make extra cash. Put the $20 on your mortgage at each cash out.

Join Guess Who's Cheap on Facebook, and on Amazon A Penny Saved is a Mortgage Paid, and A Guide to Collecting Air Miles in Canada

Organizing for supper

Our deep freezer was bursting at the seams, a great problem to have, but it can be a challenge. I was soon going to count getting ingredient...