Monday, January 21, 2019

Sell Your Stuff Part Two

Now that you have all of your items in a milk crate, you are ready to take pictures.   ( if you collected more than one milk crate of items, way to go! )
I have a Christmas wreath hanger that I throw over a door for taking pictures.  I also have a kid size hanger and an adult hanger depending on the size of the item. 
Hang the item and take a picture if the front and the back of the item, I also take a picture of the tag and size.   
Items that aren’t clothes  if they can hang on the hanger it’s best for the pictures.   
Items that can be laid flat on a dining room table for a picture works also.  Remember the more pictures you can take the better and make sure you have good light. 
I suggest the milk crate size so it doesn’t get overwhelming.   Plus you don’t want to post more then 10 items a day since it bumps items down on a page. 
I created a FACEBOOK account for buying and selling items, and following groups.  I suggest this since Buy and Sell sites tend to take over your feed.  
I try to list things on FACEBOOK primarily.   You only need to create the ads once and then click post to other groups.
Items that are high value I post on KIJIJI also.  

Item size that don’t sell in a week I write in the comments the new price.   If it still doesn’t sell you can delete the item and repost it at the lower asking price.  
Items that don’t sell I box up to have a yard sale in the summer.  I also always have a bag in the go for low priced items to drop off to charity donations.  After a yard sale any items that don’t sell I donate. 
When I was getting out of debt I put the money once a month onto our mortgage.  Now I deposit it towards our trip funds. 
Good luck. I am sure once you reap the rewards of your effort both financially and from finding less clutter more relaxing. 
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Organizing for supper

Our deep freezer was bursting at the seams, a great problem to have, but it can be a challenge. I was soon going to count getting ingredient...