Friday, December 28, 2018

Laundry Room Stock Pile

Creating a stock pile will save you lots of money in the long run. Often when people think about a stock pile the first image is of canned goods.
Using coupons, and pairing wi5h sales, most of the items in my laundry room stock pile were free. Building a stock pile doesn’t happen over night. It takes time and patience but it is worth it in 5e long run.
Canadian Tire has promos a few times a year for instant rebates with the purchase of energy efficient light bulbs.  I get the maximum per person and put them in storage.
Glad currently has a coupon to save $5 on a box of bags, I matched it up with a no tax sale at Super Store and now have a life time supply of kitchen catchers for free
I put a small container to store all of the samples from the mail and Costco on laundry detergent. When we travel I throw one in my suitcase and do a load of laundry at the hotel. This allows us to fly with just carry on and also save on baggage fees.
I have a lot of scrubbing bubbles that were free ei5 matching a coupon. I don’t like the product but free is free. We often throw them in house warming baskets, or donate to the food bank or shelters.
What items do you stock pile in the laundry room?

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

What to do with your Christmas Cards?

Christmas cards are  beautiful and I hate to throw them away.  Last year I used a half off coupon at Michael’s ( will send you emails when you join their newsletter) and purchased this Tag hole punch for $10.
I used it on the Christmas cards this evening to create gift tags to use on gifts next year.
I will store the gift tags with my wrapping paper as I clean up Christmas 🎄

Organizing for supper

Our deep freezer was bursting at the seams, a great problem to have, but it can be a challenge. I was soon going to count getting ingredient...