Wednesday, July 17, 2019

How much do you use?

OK it’s no secret that I love to stockpile items.   When I see a deal I love to take advantage of it and maximize it to the full potential.
There are items that I stock pile excessively, most of which are toiletries.  I know I am always going to use razors, soap and toilet paper and these items will never go bad.
I encourage you to take a moment and do a little inventory of your items.  Count how many you have and then see how long it takes to use the product.  This will help you be aware of how much you truly use and be able to begin to maximize the deals.
I’ll use toilet paper as an exa,ple. Oh I have a lot in this house, oops, but we’ll it was cheap and I have the space to stockpile. In the linen closet I stock the shelf and count each roll once a year and out a piece of paper by the item or a note on my iPad.  I know on March 9 I filled the shelf, and I know that  July 14 it was empty. During this 4 month and 5 days period we used 76 rolls of toilet paper.  I know for sure that 6 packages of my favourite brand lasts 4 months, or on average 18 packages a year.  This will help me plan out the buying cycles of the year.

 I encourage people to shop the flyers and take advantage of loyalty offers and coupons to get the best bang for your buck.
It pays to be frugal.

Organizing for supper

Our deep freezer was bursting at the seams, a great problem to have, but it can be a challenge. I was soon going to count getting ingredient...