Friday, January 5, 2018

Coupons, Where I Find Them


Coupons really can save you a lot of money.  I have heard comments that coupons are more of a pain in the butt then what they are worth.  Honestly, I spend less than two hours a month on my coupons.  I feel that any dollar I save is better in my pocket than in the retailer’s.    I used to save roughly an average of $200 a month with coupons. Now that I have a massive stock pile I am saving about $100 a month in coupons.  What would you do with an extra $100? 

When I get home, I take note of how much money I saved using coupons.  When we were paying off the mortgage that amount was flipped onto the mortgage as an extra payment daily. Now that our mortgage is paid off this money is saved to a vacation fund.  Do this daily, it will become automatic in your habits. This is how you will see the results quickly.

When I go to the grocery store, I walk up and down every aisle to hunt for coupons. I don’t know about you, but I end up needing something in almost every aisle of the grocery store so I don’t count aisle walking as extra work. I do however pretend that it is exercise and counts towards my cardio.

I find coupons all the time in front of products right there on the shelf!  This is the easiest way to start your coupon hunt.  Often at times the coupon holder looks similar to the product and could be missed and presented to the consumer as another subliminal advertisement.   Look closely.

Proper coupon etiquette is to take the amount of coupons that you will need.  If you take 15 and will use them for your family or stockpile go for it.  Just be respectful, and remember to be a Coupon Fairy with the coupons that you will not be using. 
I am going to list a few of my favorite coupon sites for you to get started.

I suggest you create an email account just for coupons.  I suggest creating an email account with your name, and the word coupons. Then only coupons come to your email account are coupon related. Take a piece of paper and track all your passwords, and mailing addresses. Add this paper in a plastic sleeve to your Home Binder.  I have accounts registered for my father's house and my mother's to receive more coupons.  This is my coupon holder, it is from the Dollarama and is really a business card holder. It holds coupons perfectly. One half is for food, the other half is for everything else.

Now that you have an email address just for coupons and a Face Book alias, here is a starting point for coupons. Some of these lists will do a mail out to you and others you will need to print.
1.         (currently nothing there)
2.        (currently nothing I use, a few are available)
3.        (lots of printable ones today!)
4.             (have to pay for mailouts, choose print option)
5.        (toilet paper mail  out, and Tostitos print, great for Pepsi Promo)
7.        (changes daily)
9.                 Flipp App now has coupons instantly

Join Guess Who's Cheap on Facebook, and on Amazon A Penny Saved is a Mortgage Paid, and A Guide to Collecting Air Miles in Canada

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