Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Repair Items....

I am hard on my sunglasses. I wear them all year long, and almost always the whole time that I am outside.  Last summer I had the arms come off of two pairs of my sunglasses.  I was sad, and I couldn't bring myself to throw them away. Murphy's Law, the cheap pairs I have never broke, but the ones I splurged on did.  So, I kept them in a storage pocket in my mudroom.  Today I threw them in my purse (probably how I broke them, and have a few scratches on them) and thought I would go to the eye glass store on my way home from work. They were able to fix one pair and the other pair was broken beyond belief.  I feel that we live in a disposable society, and from somewhere I got the idea to repair them.  I saved about $30 from buying a new pair today.  Now I wonder what else I could have repaired that I threw out instead?
Do you have anything that you have repaired instead of replacing? 
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Organizing for supper

Our deep freezer was bursting at the seams, a great problem to have, but it can be a challenge. I was soon going to count getting ingredient...