Tuesday, July 3, 2018

July 4

Say NO!!!
This is the most unglamorous part of becoming Debt Free.  It sucks to say no to things. 
Many people won't understand why you are trying to save money.  Before we began this path we used to go to dinner on the weekends, go to the movies and spend money like crazy!  Doing these fun activities with our other couple friends was part of our social life.

We started to say NO to events that cost more money than what was in the budget.
HOWEVER, we always suggested FRUGAL things as an alternative to events.  Saying NO! to suggested events but yes to others helps cut back on your finances.  For example, instead of going to the movies and spending $30 for admission and popcorn we started to ask friends over to watch movies.
Another huge perk... once I began to say no, I started to feel better mentally.

It pays to be frugal.  On Amazon check out my Ebooks A Penny Saved is a Mortgage Paid and A Guide to Collecting Air Miles in Canada.  

Organizing for supper

Our deep freezer was bursting at the seams, a great problem to have, but it can be a challenge. I was soon going to count getting ingredient...