Thursday, August 2, 2018

August Budget

It is August. Where in the world is summer going? It is time to make or tweak your August budget. There may be a few things that you have forgotten to include.

If you have children they will need school supplies, a backpack, lunchbox, water bottle, 2 pairs of sneakers and maybe some clothes if they took a growth spurt to get ready for back to school.

There are only a few weekends left and you may want to plan a day trip or sneak away for a night.
Put all of these things in your monthly budget.

CHRISTMAS! I have 11 pays until Christmas 🎄 last week I went through my bins and made a list of what I have and what I will still need to purchase.  I figured out the cash I need and will save that during the next 5 months.

What did you forget for your August budget?

Organizing for supper

Our deep freezer was bursting at the seams, a great problem to have, but it can be a challenge. I was soon going to count getting ingredient...