Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Host a Party

We all have friends in direct sales, some of us may even be involved in direct sales.  There are a few companies that sell items I enjoy and I try to  figure out the best way to enjoy the product on a budget.  I recently discovered Epicure and how it is dummy proof for even me to cook with ease.
I asked my friend that is in this direct sales  company to let me know when a hostess special fits my wants list.
 EVERY DIRECT SALES COMPANY HAS HOSTESS SPECIALS, the perk for you to host a party.
Hosting the party was simple.  The direct sales consultant created a Facebook group with a catalogue link.     I invited everyone that I could think of to come over on a Friday night. That was it.
I picked up a bottle of wine, 2 boxes of crackers, a can of lemonade, bag of tostitos, and a bag of chips.   Because the party is food centered, the sales consultant brought dips and I just had to provide the dip pairings.
I spent less than $25 on these party supplies.
I earned 2 products for half price, and  $75 items in free products and 2 host specials.
If you are interested in  products from a direct sales marketing company, I suggest hosting a party to maximize frugal deals!

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Organizing for supper

Our deep freezer was bursting at the seams, a great problem to have, but it can be a challenge. I was soon going to count getting ingredient...