Sunday, February 12, 2017


Every now and then I need a recharge.  Ideally I would love a spa day. Seriously who wouldn't?  Today I just needed an hour to myself and relax.  And I wanted it to be cheap. I came upon the idea of a nice long bubble bath.  I had bought two large bubble baths from Avon last year for $10, and the scents are amazing.  I use one cap full and the bottles seem to last forever. I lite a nice candle, the smell of the Caribbean (this will have to do until I have saved up for a vacation) and went to my oasis.  I also brought in a novel, you know, the smutty ones you read that you don't tell anyone about? I buy books at yard sales on the cheap, usually a quarter a piece.   They resell for that when I have yard sales, so almost free!
There are many ways to recharge, some have a price tag, some are minimal in cost, but none the less do the trick.
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Organizing for supper

Our deep freezer was bursting at the seams, a great problem to have, but it can be a challenge. I was soon going to count getting ingredient...