Sunday, April 1, 2018

April Budget Challenge

It’s close to supper time, and by now I have experienced 2 sugar crashes.
Don’t crash your budget for this month!
Get out your envelopes and start stuffing with the money you need for your budget.
I use the same envelopes until they fall apart.  I record on them how much I need for the month.  Some months I don’t need every envelope and some months I need to add some envelopes.  This month dance and gymnastics money is due for the kids, sigh.    Even though the fee stings, I a, prepared.
This month I am going to challenge everyone to shave $50 off of the April budget.  Throw it in your debt.   
I am going on a vacation and would like to save up some spending money. That’s my goal until June.
Let’s see who has $50 leftover from their envelopes at the end of the month
Comment and share how you did it.  I look forward to hearing the tips.
Good Luck 

Organizing for supper

Our deep freezer was bursting at the seams, a great problem to have, but it can be a challenge. I was soon going to count getting ingredient...