Sunday, May 29, 2016

Making Rags

Clothes that my children have outgrown I sell online.  If an item is in good shape and isn't sold I donate it to Value Village. 
However there are times that my kids have completely ruined their clothes either by stains or holes.   
I collect the clothes that are ruined in the basement in a Rubbermaid container. Every now and then I take them and cut them into rags and put them in a large bag.   We use the rags for cleaning or out and around the property for clean ups. We wash them whenever possible.  We keep a bag of rags on top of the washing machine, one in the linen closet and many in the basement.
I have even sold them in a grocery sized bag for $5 online.   My paper towel usage has gone down plenty.  More money in my pocket... These loonies add up quickly. 

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Toaster Oven

First of all, I hate cooking. I am starting (very slowly) to cook more meals. Thankfully my  husband is a great cook, phew!
Whenever possible, we use the toaster oven to cook vs using the oven. The amount of space to heat up is much smaller, and becomes more cost efficient.
That's it, simple! Also, there isn't a light in my toaster oven. In the winter when I am done using the toaster oven I leave the door open and a bit of heat escapes, making the kitchen warmer for a few minutes.
Don't forget to unplug the toaster when it is not in use and avoid using phantom power. 

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Tell everyone you are cheap!

It is no secret that I am frugal.   I often brag about the deals I find, and when I get items on sale.  Since I have started this blog, friends on Facebook have also learned this about me. 
I have found that telling people that you are are a deal hunter opens the door for people to share their deals with you.  This can have you take advantage of the deals they find, and cuts down on your deal hunting.  
This week my oldest daughter had a cross country run.  A person that reads my blog came up to me and told me that book bags are on sale at the local Staples.  Naturally I went to check it out ASAP. 
I found nice book bags for sale in the front of the store for sale, and decided to go inside and see what other deals could be found.  To my surprise in the back of the store I found even more bookbags for sale with attached lunchbag and pencil case with the bag.  They were $5 and an extra 25% off!!!!  
I bought three for future years and I also have 2 stashed in the basement. 
I can't stress enough how important it is to watch items being scanned at the cash register.  One bookbag scanned for $9.99 and I pointed it out and it got price adjusted.  

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Monday, May 16, 2016

Membership Rewards...Secret Club with Airmiles

There are reward cards available at most stores to give you a little perk.  Signing up for these takes little effort and is well worth the effort.  I carry a business card size wallet in my purse where I still all of these cards for easy access.  I am not techie at all, and prefer hard copies of almost everything whenever its possible. My husband has an app for his Smart Phone called UGO Wallet where he has registered all of our card numbers and opens the app at stores and can read stores the card number to punch in their register.
One reward program is my favorite and that is Air Miles.  You can reach Gold status when you receive 1000 Airmiles in one year.
Last year I discovered a secret Airmiles Card, Onyx. Since I have found it and researched its perks I am happy and doing everything I can to accumulate these miles.
Onyx Airmiles is automatically sent out to you when you collect 6000 miles in one year. They do all the work, you just get a great black envelope in the mail with a black Airmiles Card.  As long as you continue to earn 6000 miles in one year, you get to keep the status.
With the Onyx Card, you can enter contests with miles, skip lines in the toll free customer service line, discounts on miles needed for select flights and merchandise and have access to an Airmiles Personal Shopper.  When I had received the card I called for more information and they spoke to me for a long time, I had a lot of questions.  If you see say a pair of Michael Kors shoes in the Michael Kors store you LOVE, Airmiles will hook you up. You phone them and tell them the item you saw in a store, and they make arrangements to see how many Airmiles are needed to make the transaction possible, even if they aren't an Airmiles store!!  Although this tempted me, shoes are my weakness, this is how I know about this option, travel is still the best option.
ONYX deals with three major travel agencies.  I phoned and spoke to Airmiles about a trip to Disney World I want to take to celebrate our family being debt free in 2018.  We made all the plans of all the items I want included, hotel, dining plan and hopper passes and they calculated how many miles I need to make that happen.  For 33500 Airmiles we will get 5 days FREE at Walt Disney World!  I say that's worth some time scouring deals wouldn't you? I need 12000 more miles, we got this:)
Choose which loyalty card benefits your family the most, and explore ways to maximize the rewards, you won't be sorry.
Click on the link below and apply on my referral link and you will get 2000 Airmiles when you spend $500 and I will earn 500 Airmiles.
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Tuesday, May 10, 2016


I love coffee. This may even be an understatement. I try to avoid buying coffee during the day. I  bring coffee with me most of the time to avoid a weak moment.   My exceptions are when I am out of town. My husband and I will often buy a large or extra large coffee and we share, instead of buying 2 small or medium coffees.  We have also discovered that Second Cup will take money off the total purchase with the use of our refillable mug. McDonalds will also refill your mug, so at these times I buy a small if we are staying a while and I refill when I leave.  As I have mentioned in other blogs, when you fill up at the Shell Station you get a free hot beverage of your choice and size and your Airmiles!  French Vanilla Cappuccino...yes please!!!
At home we have a few coffee machines, all I justify serve a purpose. 
The Keriug    4 years ago when asked what I wanted as a Christmas gift from my father I asked for a Keriug. I quickly felt that this was a very expensive way to have my daily coffee. I drink roughly 6 cups a day. This was expensive as I was drinking a box every 2 days just on my own.   They are around $10 a box so I had to explore other options. Also, a part of me felt guilty about all the waste.  I bought a mini filter where I can use my own ground beans. I use the Keriug now for my flavour treat coffees.
The French Press   This is the go to now for my coffee. I can put in 3 scoops and then use the kettle to boil water and start the coffee brewing process.   I like this as it is easy to throw in some decafe when needed. 
The Coffee Pot  My coffee pot is close to retirement. It has a timer on it and times I know I am up early or rushing in the morning I will set the machine to have my coffee ready for the morning rush.   I also use it when there are gatherings at my house, which is really only a few times a year.   I find there is more waste with the pot no one wants to drink the end of the pot. 

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Friday, May 6, 2016

Cereal Coupons

Tonight I am going to share with you a great secret place where I find awesome coupons.... Cereal Boxes!
While I was flipping through the flyers the other day ( scouring, I really go over them with a magnifying glass) I noticed an ok price on family size cereal, $4.47 a large box.  I then noticed that there was a $5  sign and a picture of a gas nozzle and I got excited.  Again this year, for the 3rd summer in a row, Rice Krispies, Corn Puffs, Fruit Loops and Frosted Flakes have this special logo.  When you purchase TWO boxes, there are special bins inside that you send BOTH away and in 6-8 weeks you receive a 5$ pre paid Visa card to use at any gas station.  You are allowed 5 per house.  Then, use them at Shell or Irving and earn Air Miles!!  Win Win.
I paid $8.94 and will get a $5 gas station card all for $3.94 out of pocket for two family size boxes of Rice Krispies.
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Monday, May 2, 2016

Money Articles

I spend some time each month reading various financial articles.  Pinterest is a great source for fast articles.  On that site, I often search Frugal, Cheap Living, Cheapskates, and Money Saving Tips.  You can find me on Pinterest at Meghan Savings comment below if you have any problems searching me.
I go to the library every now and then and borrow financial books. I was waiting for the book debut of Chris Hogan's new book Retire Inspired. I was even prepared to...wait for it! But it wasn't at Costco.  On the launch date I asked my library branch if they were getting it in to request a hold. They weren't, but they ordered it for me! It has been a fast read so far, and am 3/4 of the way through. I suggest you go purchase a copy, or place a hold at the library. I have mine 1 more week and hope my husband reads it also.
What financial books or articles have you enjoyed?
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Organizing for supper

Our deep freezer was bursting at the seams, a great problem to have, but it can be a challenge. I was soon going to count getting ingredient...