Monday, June 12, 2017

Cancel Cable

We don't have cable.  Four years ago we cancelled our cable and home phone.  This has saved us almost $75 a month.  We went on Amazon and bought android boxes to stream TV shows and movies.
This has been great and I have found that it has cut down on our mindless watching of TV. We do binge watch shows, and having them all on the box makes it easier.
Sports was an area of concern for my husband.  After talking to other people that use the android box he has found places to watch his hockey and baseball games.
I also find that since we don't go to the movies often, we are ok watching older movies.
Our cell phones have fantastic plans.  We only use our cell phones, and do not have a home or land line.  The phones have great long distance plans to talk to our family.
I know this sounds extreme to quit your cable and phone line.  I took some convincing.  Four years, at $75 a month is $3600 !!! Read that again...$3600.  It's worth it!

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Organizing for supper

Our deep freezer was bursting at the seams, a great problem to have, but it can be a challenge. I was soon going to count getting ingredient...