Saturday, July 28, 2018

July 28...Take your lunch

This frugal tip is BORING, but it works.  Take your lunch to work. 
When I am cooking supper the night before I try to make enough to have leftovers.  When I am cleaning up from supper, I pack the leftovers into reusable containers right away to be my lunch the next day.  I don't think clearly at 620 in the morning, so it is a two fold bonus, I don't have to think just grab while I am waiting for the coffee to kick in.  It also saves a lot of money.  At first, buying your lunch doesn't seem like a big expense.  Realistically, even being frugal, a lunch from the grocery store deli would be about $7.  That number is conservative but is still $140 a month.
I work in a school and we have a super cheap lunch at $4.25. Even so, that's $85 a month.  I order lunch once a week, unless it is a week that hamburgers are on the menu, then twice :)
Sock your lunch money savings away towards your debt, or your fun money and watch it add up fast!

It pays to be frugal.  Check out my ebooks on  A Guide to Collecting Air Miles in Canada and A Penny Saved is a Mortgage Paid. 

Organizing for supper

Our deep freezer was bursting at the seams, a great problem to have, but it can be a challenge. I was soon going to count getting ingredient...