Friday, March 4, 2016

Coupon Overage

Sometimes there is a magical coupon that is a hot commodity.  The coupon that gives you an item for free, or under a dollar. And then…there is the overage coupon.   They don’t come around often, but when they do, as a couponer it makes me excited. 
What am I talking about?   Coupons all have a face value, how much off of a product.   When an item comes on sale, try to use your coupons then, as it increases the OOP (out of pocket) you pay.  YES, YOU CAN USE COUPONS WHEN AN ITEM IS ON SALE!
Today, I went to Walmart armed with $2 off of any Tums products coupon.  I had 2 of these, knowing that Tums are 98 cents a roll.   I picked up 2 rolls, and I picked up 2 cucumbers that were on sale for $1 each and headed to the cash register. 
KNOW THE STORES COUPON PRACTICES  When I went to the check out, the cashier grabbed a pen and was about to write on the coupon, and I stopped her. I said that you ring it in as $2 and I can either get a Walmart gift card with the balance, or use it towards another purchase. She said that wasn’t a rule, and I asked her to get a manager.  The manager came over, and I explained what I was doing, and she said to the cashier yes she’s telling the truth.  ALWAYS BE POLITE, CAUSE MANY EMPLOYEES DON’T KNOW THE RULES, AND PEOPLE DON’T OFTEN ASK.  The manager then said that she has never seen this and was happy to see it happening.  I then applied the extra money towards my 2 cucumbers, with a grand total of 19 cents OOP.  She said she watched the show Extreme Couponing and it reminded her of that, I told her about my blog!
Walmart and Giant Tiger are the only two stores in my area that do this, if anyone knows of others, please let me know!

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