Sunday, July 8, 2018

July 8

I love to eat out.  What is better than a meal that it cooked by someone else, in a kitchen that I don't need to clean up the mess!  If you are on a budget, then eating out is still an option. 

I do find that serving portions at some restaurants are HUGE!  There are some restaurants that we know there is no way that we can eat the whole meal, so we share.  Or we know that there will be enough for lunch the next day and take some home in a Take Away Tray.

I find every single restaurant in the US the servings are massive and we share there too.  We can't take a Take Away Tray when traveling.
Sharing meals is cost efficient and is also good for the waist line!  Almost every single time the servers respond positively when we order an entree to share and say that their portions are huge. 
A few times we have ordered something at the end to eat when we were still hungry, but it hasn't happened often.

It pays to be frugal.  On Amazon check out my Ebooks A Guide to Collecting Air Miles in Canada and also A Penny Saved is a Mortgage Paid

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